The usage of Docker is growing more and more. Our daily development tends to depend on the container platform highly. But I found AWS Linux I recently launched does not have Docker engine as default. It is a frustrating situation even I just want to use Docker in AWS environment. Here is the process to install Docker engine in your AWS Linux. That article is written mainly for avoiding my memory lost :)

FYI: The AMI I used in this experiment is ami-0f9ae750e8274075b. Amazon Linux 2.

Install Docker Engine

$ sudo yum update -y

$ sudo yum install -y docker

$ sudo service docker start
Starting cgconfig service:                                 [  OK  ]
Starting Docker:                                           [  OK  ]

Add User Group

But you need to prepend sudo every time you run docker command. Please don’t forget to add ec2-user to docker group.

$ sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user

After you log in the instance again, you should be able to run docker command without any difficulty.
