• Guava ImmutableMap (implicit?) limitation

    Following the last time, I found a new trivial thing about Guava usage. ImmutableList creates the List which is immutable for you. You can create any length list by using of method. So I thought I can any length ImmutableMap with this analogy. [Read More]
  • ToStringHelper of Guava

    In Java, toString() method is useful for debugging. It can print the object information in human readable format. Member variables and state can be returned. Only painful stuff of toString() is that we need to implement by ourselves for custom class. [Read More]
  • QueueManager and Resource Group in Presto

    Presto is a fast distributed SQL engine originally developed by Facebook. From 0.153, pluggable resource group was introduced. This feature enables us to separate cluster resource in account workload. For example, you want to ensure daily batch job resource allocation even if you submit some adhoc queries. In short when... [Read More]
  • Tag of ScalaTest

    We often want to exclude some test cases. ScalaTest has @Ignore annotation to exclude that test case to be run as well as JUnit. But how can we include or exclude test cases in more fine-grained way? [Read More]