• Introduction of dllib

    I keep thinking about releasing self developed deep learning for a few years. That’s a good way to motivate my learning about deep learning. I’ve already done several times with n42 and neurallib. But they are not so much general and hard to extend. So I reinitialize the project and... [Read More]
  • AWS CLI with jq make things easy

    AWS CLI is a utility for manipulating your infrastructure on AWS. For example, it enables us to launch EC2 or check the state of the instances without leaving out your command line. But it is not easy to use it because the output is JSON as default. Though JSON is... [Read More]
  • High Availability of InfluxDB

    I’m now considering how to make InfluxDB highly available. InfluxDB runs on single node by default. It is necessary to make high available system by ourselves. I checked this article. In this post there are 5 options to be considered in my opinion. [Read More]
  • Join StackOverflow

    As you know StackOverflow is the most famous Q&A site for especially programming and software. You can ask any type of programming questions or search it. There are no software engineers who do not use this site in their daily development, I think. [Read More]